Hard Rock find its casino platform distributor

In February, Hard Rock announced the signature of an agreement with GIG. Under the agreement, GIG will be the official platform supplier for Hard rock new casino. At first, this news may seem benign. But we think this deal could revolutionize the NJ casino industry. Recently, Kresimir Spajic, (Hard Rock’s online gaming VP) said in an interview. “The company’s goal is to become an international leader and to set new trends in the iGaming industry“. Given that Hard Rock has chosen to team up with GIG. We have to conclude that by setting new trends Spajic meant gamified casinos. And we’re excited about that and so should you. Because it
could mean that NJ players could soon sign-up to a “gamified and storified” casino. That is if Hard Rock decides to maximize the potential of IGC.hard rock casino

What do we know about GIG and IGC?

Gaming Innovation Group (GIG) is a public company that is well-known in the gaming industry. In fact, they’re one of the biggest platform providers in Europe. GIG gained fame with iGaming Cloud (IGC) and for creating “gamified casinos“. GIG owns several “gamified and storified” casinos that use IGC. So, there’s no doubt that GIG’s team are veterans of the industry. But also they’re known to set new trends. Many believe that GIG has revolutionized the user experience in Europe. Given GIG’s background and field of expertise. We could assume that Hard Rock new website will include some kind of gamification. Especially since GIG’s team will support the design and the software for it.

What are “gamified and storified” casinos?

In short, a “gamified and storified” casino, is an interactive casino. Frequently, these online casinos have a built-in loyalty program linked with players mission. Which means that players can level up and collect rewards, whilst progressing in a story. Of course, these casinos all have different storylines. Some invite players to join an interstellar journey. Whilst other claims to take their players on a musical world tour. For the moment, we’re uncertain if Hard Rock’s new website will be a gamified one. But one thing is certain all signs point to that. Until the new site goes live at the end of 2018, we can only speculate. One thing is certain we’re looking forward to trying it!